Reclaim Your Year and Discover the Secret to Lasting Happiness with Lisa Foster

Feeling lost with your goals? Is February already derailing your New Year's resolutions? Don't worry, you're not alone! This week, join the Real Life Momz Podcast for a refreshing morning walk and a pep talk on how to get back on track. Learn how to create fluid goals, shift your mindset, and, most importantly, recognize the abundance that's already surrounding you, paving the way to true happiness and fulfillment.
About The Host: Lisa Foster, PT, CST
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Coloring Conversations: Talking About the ABCs of Life!
Imagine coloring in the letter “K” while discussing the importance of kindness, or the letter “F” as you explore the concept of forgiveness. Each illustration invites families to engage in meaningful conversations that nurture emotional intelligence and life skills, all while having a blast with crayons and markers!
With "Coloring Conversations: Talking About The ABCs Of Life”, you’re not just providing a coloring book; you’re gifting your child the tools to navigate life’s big ideas early on. Perfect for family bonding time, playdates, or even as an educational gift for birthdays and holidays!
Let’s turn those “I wish I had learned this earlier” moments into “I’m so glad we talked about this!” experiences together. Grab your copy here and start coloring your way to a brighter future, one lesson at a time!
Welcome to the Real Life Moms Podcast. It is time to take a break from all our to do's and carve out this time to focus on ourselves. I'm here with Bella again on my morning walk, and I wanted to take time to reflect a little bit because as we move out of January and we're well into February, what we've realized is some of those resolutions and goals we decided to do, we may have lost track of. So this is my back on track walk. And it is actually pretty cold out here and I have to say, one of my goals is to get up every morning and take a walk with or without Bella. And it was freezing out this morning and my thought was like, Ooh, do I really want to do it? Had a little bit of a headache.
And you know what? The answer is yes. . Sometimes you just need to take that first step out the door and what I'm finding is , wow, the coolness is actually perfect. I feel warm in [00:01:00] my cozy jacket and it's quiet out, which is what I always like during my walks. And it's actually really nice out here. So I'm so glad that I pushed myself that one step forward, literally out my door. And sometimes that's all we need to do when we're like losing motivation. , we just need to take that one step that's going to propel us forward in our goal.
I also started something new this year that I really love. I decided to make my vision board this year, which I make one every year. I decided to put it on a whiteboard because this year I really wanted to be fluid.
I didn't want to like just write something and it just stuck for the new year and I forgot about it. Instead I wanted to revisit it. So my vision board is monthly. I go on my whiteboard, I write down my goals, my resolutions, the things I want to accomplish on my whiteboard. And [00:02:00] then at the end of the month, I reevaluate.
Did I achieve it? Do I want to tweak it? What do I want to add new for the next month? And so it's a work in progress because honestly, that's who I am. I'm a work in progress.
I'm always trying to do something to learn and grow. As Tony Robbins says, if we're not growing, we're dying. And I'm choosing to grow this year, for sure.
The other big resolution I have is really switching my mindset. You'll hear me talk about mindset all the time. I'm a huge fan. And, where intention goes, energy flows. That's the saying, right? So I want to put my intention, , to what I really want.
And it's interesting because every morning I do set intentions. I set my day to be surrounded by positive energy, positive people, opportunities that I can see and can take action on. I set my intentions every morning, but this morning was different actually. And it was really nice.
I was doing [00:03:00] a sound healing meditation this morning. In the meditation, they said, set your intention. So I thought, okay, great. I know my intention. I do it every morning. Right. But he also said, let the sound bowls help you. Okay. Have clarity in your intention.
And that was new for me, right? Work in progress. So I said, okay, I went to start setting my intention, which let's face facts is always all about abundance, physical abundance, financial abundance, just abundance. And so as I sat there and I listened to these sound bowls, what became clear is that my intention shouldn't be.
it for abundance, but to recognize abundance. What I realized, I have a lot of abundance in my life already. What I realized is it actually doesn't matter. How much money I have, whether it's amazing year and I have money flowing in or [00:04:00] it's a really tight year and it's really hard and struggles to get by.
I honestly feel the same in both years because what I realized is I'm not recognizing the things I already have. And so as much as I've tried to do this. Once again, going back to that work in progress, we were always a work in progress. I realized my intention today, this morning, during this meditation was to feel the abundance that's already all around me.
And honestly, the clarity just started coming through. I mean, my kids are doing well. I have a daughter who loves college. I have a son who honestly makes his own breakfast, gets himself ready. And I don't have to hound him to do homework because I don't need to.
I mean, that's abundance. I have a husband who honestly made me breakfast this morning after I got up from my meditation. You know, and when I said, Oh, should we [00:05:00] give that to our sons? He said, no, this one's for you. That's abundance. I have a beautiful home. It's warm and full of love.
That's abundance. I have a mom that listens to my podcast every week and tells me about it. Shout out to my mom and that's abundance. See, I have a lot of abundance that I'd never even take the time to recognize. And what I realized is we can ask for more abundance and more abundance and health and wealth, happiness, and joy.
But if you don't feel it, you're not going to know it's even there. And so that's what this meditation really taught me today. And so in this new year. One of my new goals that I just put in now in February. Is feeling of abundance. Ask you to do.
If you set [00:06:00] some goals, some resolutions, some things you really wanted to do this year, I want you to take today to actually check in with yourself, check in with your goals, see if they're on track. See if you want to tweak them because no one said that we only have to write our resolutions one time a year.
No one said that we can't change them along the way. There's a great saying that says time flies, but guess what? You're the pilot so we can steer our time in any direction that we want.
So thank you for coming on my morning walk this morning with me and Bella. And I hope you have gained inspiration to look at your resolutions, your goals for this year. And if nothing else, I hope you were inspired to take your own walk this morning or meditation to gain some more clarity.
Thank [00:07:00] you for listening to this episode and coming for my morning walk I hope that you are able to now look at your resolutions your goals from a different perspective And I want you to all embrace being a work in progress
Until next week, keep carving out time for yourself and keep putting yourself on top of your to do list.