Make A Deposit: Invest In Yourself with Danielle LaShawn
Join us this week as we discuss setting goals and making daily deposits with lifestyle content creator and mother, Danielle LaShawn.
Achieve your dreams by investing in yourself.
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Welcome back to the Real Life Momz podcast where moms come to you for inspiration and tools to create the life that they desire. I am Lisa Foster and I am here with Danielle LaShawn. She is a mother of four, a content creator, an author, and is passionate about helping women achieve their goals and dreams by making daily deposits in themselves.
So thank you, Danielle, for coming on the show today. Thank you for having me. I'm excited. I can't wait to just share more about what I've been up to and hopefully help some moms out there to become the best versions of themselves. Well, I'm excited and I think the mom may help today , might be me.
So thank you ahead of time. So I'm really excited to kind of dig into this, making small deposits every day. I know that's a big theme for you. But before we jump right into that, if you could tell us a little bit about your background, but also [00:01:00] like how you even came up to create this idea of making deposits.
Yeah, so I am like you mentioned a mom of four. I was actually a stay at home mom for 10 years. So I went from having one child to having four kids as a stay at home mom. and a few years ago I was like really unhappy. With just only being a mom, I was like, this is not, this cannot be life.
Like I, there's more to life for me and I'm not going to settle for this. So, I just started trying to figure out my next steps and planning my path. Over time, I came up with kind of a strategy for developing and relearning myself, and that's what I share in my book. And, the way that I kind of broke it down into small pieces was to make daily deposits, like you mentioned.
So what it is, is essentially you're just trying to do small things every day that will get you to where you want to go. And also kind of [00:02:00] outlining how you want your life to look so you know what direction to go in. I love that you kind of found yourself in this situation and say, okay, there has to be more.
Cause I think a lot of us do that, but don't 100%. Yeah. We don't take the steps though to, to change it. We just think that's, that's the way it is. And that's not good for anybody. Yeah. And I think that the part of the problem is that we are conditioned as women, I think, and especially as mothers to be okay.
If you're not struggling, if you have food on the table, if you have, you know, your bills are paid, then you should be happy with where you are. You're especially as a stay at home mom, you're lucky. Like you're in the position that people would kill to be and you don't have to go to work every day. So why are you not happy with your life?
So I struggled with that guilt around like not being. Satisfied with what I had when I had what I needed, quote, unquote, had what I needed. I had what I needed on paper, but I didn't have what I [00:03:00] needed to fulfill myself. And that was where, that internal struggle kind of came in.
And when I decided to do something different and kind of pivot. For my life. And it's, it's interesting you're saying that because I, I, I worked part time when my kids were young. So I felt lucky as well because I had the best of both worlds, but I'll be honest, like going to work. I would always say it was my day off.
Because staying home with the kids, oh my God, like I have to, and they're wonderful. They're not hard kids at all, but
here is no lunchtime. There's no breaks. No, there's nothing right. And no adult conversation. So it really felt like you were on 24 seven. But when I went to work, I could sit down, I could have lunch with other adults.
Like. It's a different world and both of them have their stressors, right? But, It's just a [00:04:00] different kind of stress
Now you did write this book, right? Called Make A Deposit, which is kind of a guide for moms who've kind of lost their identity to kind of have these actionable steps to.
Yeah. You know, find themselves basically. So first, before we jump into that, um, can you define actually what a deposit is? Cause we're throwing the word around, but I don't even know if anybody knows what it is. Yeah. I forget that people don't really, they haven't been introduced to that concept, but yeah, a deposit is any action that you take that will.
Move you in the direction you want to go. So, once you've established what's good for you as an individual, a deposit is anything that's going to move you toward that. So, anything that's good for you and, you know, obviously, a withdrawal would be anything that's going to take you away from it.
And then we also talk about in the book, how both are good and both are necessary because deposits, although they're the good things that kind of move you in the right direction, you can't. Obviously, you can't do the good things every single [00:05:00] day, all day, because they're no fun, usually. So you need kind of that break and those fun moments with your withdrawals.
You just have to make sure that you're balancing, you know, your bank. Statement, right? And you are not making so many withdrawals that you're bankrupting yourself and you're making enough deposits that you're kind of, you know, building. I love that concept of almost like that we're a bank and you have to put deposits in before you can withdraw, right?. It's very similar to work to a regular bank account. You know, you have to make your deposits. You have to make your withdrawals. Every now and then, and you know, at the end of the day, you should still have something left in your bank.
If you have healthy finances, there's something left in your bank at the end of the day. If you have a healthy, healthy mindset around you and your life and your individuality, there needs to be something left in your bank at the end of the day. So can you share a little bit with us, like some of these guidelines, some of these things that you point out in your book that [00:06:00] can help us make these deposits?
Well, in the book, each chapter has actionable steps. So from chapter one, you are making deposits and throughout each chapter, there are, like I said, actionable steps. So after the first few paragraphs, you're going to make your first deposit, which is in the first chapter is just congratulating yourself for even being here and, um, Being a good mom and caring enough about your kids and yourself to even be reading the book.
And then, um, it kind of goes more into, let's take the focus off your kids, put the focus on you. What do you want? And even if you don't know what that is yet, what are some things that you know are good for you that you can start to do every day? And then it just kind of snowballs from there. We're going to get a little deeper and a little deeper.
And then, we kind of graduate to creating a vision for our lives. And there's a really great example inside the book that is kind of maybe like a two page long letter about[00:07:00] what you could want your life to look like. It's just an example, one that I wrote, a very close match to mine that I wrote for myself.
And that's the goal for you to write that for yourself, like a three or five year vision and just try to get your life as close to that vision as you can after you, after you've written it. Oh, well, it sounds amazing. I mean, I love how you. Just say congratulate yourself from the get go. Right? Because making the decision to take the time, even if it's as simple as reading this book, right, let alone making these little deposits is huge.
And we should take a moment to congratulate ourselves for doing just that step. Yeah, it's so important because I feel like it's just, it's one of those things that people are like, well, you should, you should do that. You have these kids and it's your responsibility and you're, you're supposed to be making sure there's food on the table every day.
You're supposed to be making sure that your house is clean and laundry is done [00:08:00] and. That, you know, you read bedtime stories and brush teeth and wash faces and, you know, done all the things, put the heads back on the Barbies when they decapitate them and you pick the gum off the shoes and you, you went to soccer practice, you baked for the school bake sales and all those things, but really, no, that's not, I mean, even if it is what you're supposed to do, so what, you still should congratulate yourself for doing it because there's a lot of people who don't, one, and because it's a lot of hard work.
Yeah. So, yeah, I'm all about. Taking those small victories and making sure that you're really, you know, saying, you know what, I'm doing a good job. I'm doing a great job. My kids are happy and it's okay to take that time to make yourself happy too. Yeah. So for the moms that are listening. What do you want to kind of tell them like if they're kind of in this stage that you were, where they're home or home and working, and they're just kind of feeling that [00:09:00] little lost in motherhood getting sucked into what I call the vortex of motherhood.
And they're trying to kind of climb out of there and trying to maybe take those first few steps and doing something for themselves. What, what do you recommend for them? Thank you.
I think first of all, you deserve whatever you want in life and don't feel guilty about wanting more than what you have. And um, it's okay to reach for the stars. You're not, it's not too late for you. You can go wherever you want to go and you can still be a good mom at the same time. And let's start, let's get started.
Let's just start moving in the right direction. You don't need to know every single step of your journey to begin it. You don't need to know where you're going to end up, you don't need to know how you're going to get there, you don't
even need to know exactly where you want to end up, you just need to know what you can do right now, to start moving in a different direction, to start positioning yourself for that next level, because once you unlock [00:10:00] the next level, then, you know, you start to unlock the third level, then you start to unlock the fourth level, but you only need to get to the, you only need to get on the path to the first level, That you need to unlock.
Yeah, I think that's such an important statement because I think what happens a lot of the time is that we look, you know, everything's so grand, it's so big, you have to get to that end stage, like, if I don't know how to get to that point, whatever that point is, um, it's almost like, well, I'm not going to do it at all, right, but you don't need to know that.
Yeah. And I find that I'm that way in a lot of things in life. I'm very all or nothing in a lot of, in a lot of ways, but with this, it was just so important to me that I not feel that way anymore. And it was just kind of one of those things where I was more. More scared to stay the same than I was to change.
And I think when you reach that point, that's when, you know, you [00:11:00] know, something's going to have to change. Either you're going to change it, or it's going to change for you. The universe is going to change it for you. You're going to move or it's going to move you. So once you get to that point and you, you decide that you're going to move. It gets a little bit easier to keep going, right?
I'd rather have the choice of how I wanted to move than someone moving it for me. Yeah, I think a lot of people just stay there because it's comfortable, even though you might not like it where you are. Sometimes there's comfort in the familiar so you just have to go. If you're not comfortable.
You may just have to make that decision for yourself to go ahead and do something different. It's going to be uncomfortable. You're not it's not going to feel good the whole time. It's probably not going to feel good. Most of the time, because change just doesn't feel good, but it will feel good when you're done or when you're.
Well into the process and you can start to see the fruits of your labor comes fruition. It'll definitely be worth it in the end. So just start just [00:12:00] get go. Just get started because it's so worth it on the other side. Of your fear. So tell me some of your maybe like actual steps to get yourself to get out of that comfort zone and how you got yourself moving forward.
So for me, it was getting, consistent with my YouTube channel. It became getting a job because for us, it was for me. It was like a debt free journey. We were in the process of buying a house. So that was, you know, one of the things was one of my major goals was to buy a house.
So the debt free journey and then the, , the saving and then the reading books to get more, , well versed in how to properly maintain my finances. And then, ultimately working because we ended up having to get a job to for us to get our house because of the because of covid and all the things that happened and the price increases and, um, [00:13:00] global supply chain issues.
There's just a lot that was happening at that time. So it just, yeah. It just kind of snowballed and it was that's the thing. Success is not linear. It's very much zigzag. Or like if you give a two year old a pen and a piece of paper and they just kind of scribble, that's what it looks like. It's not a straight line because I could never have imagined that all this would transpire from me starting something, but that's just the way that it happened.
I ended up reaching the goal, but it didn't look anything like I thought it would. The process looked nothing like I, like I imagined. So that's another thing that I would definitely highlight is that you cannot predict the way you'll get there, but If you just move confidently in the direction that you want to go, you will get there.
Okay. I love that even more because what I'm hearing is it's kind of like you want to have an idea of a goal. And I think for your goal, is it, was it your YouTube channel, which I have to [00:14:00] highlight because You have how
many subscribers? I saw it and it's like off the charts, by the way, like how many are there?
It's over 60, 000 at this point. Um, but yeah, and that's still a goal of mine. I still have not mastered how to get people locked in on my YouTube channel consistently. So that is still one of my goals.
That's an amazing goal. Amazing, right? So you had this goal of this YouTube channel where you are helping a lot of moms and women out there. I've actually looked at it. So people should go check it out. And we'll have that in the show notes later. But also I love that you say it's like you want a goal, but there are so many paths to take to get there.
And I think that's why we have to highlight we don't need to necessarily know the how. Because I think if you think you know the how, then you're less flexible because you're, you're going to have to weave, you're going to have to do that scribble that you just said, because there are things that come up, there are twists and turns, and those aren't bad.
Sometimes they even help you get [00:15:00] there even better than you thought you would. So, um, so I think it sounds like first start with A goal. The reason why I'm hesitant to say that is because I know some people don't quite know yet. So it doesn't need to be, you know, a grand master life altering goal.
It just needs to be any goal. Like literally anything. It could be wake up for the next week at 6 a. m. So I have an hour to myself before the kids have to go to school to plan my goals. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. Yep. It could be make sure I'm putting them down for a nap at a certain time every day. Just make sure I'm being consistent in something so I can make time for myself and I can plan my goals.
That can be your first goal. Literally. Yeah. It does not need to be anything crazy. , first goal could be finding a goal, right? And creating the space or time to have that. Now the space or time that you're saying, like, getting up early or putting your kids down for a nap, is that the deposit [00:16:00] piece? Is that like actually making the space like a deposit for you?
Do you consider that? Yeah, that could definitely be a deposit. And the reason why I say a deposit for you is because it'll look different for everybody. Like for me, if your deposit is to eat an apple a day, but I'm allergic, then eating an apple a day for me is not a deposit. It's a withdrawal because it's going to hurt me.
Your deposits are anything that's going to going to help you move in the right direction. And you have to define your own deposits. There are certain things that, you know, most that will be a deposit for almost everyone. But then there are certain things that will not.
It's going to be very individual and very tailored to who you are, what you believe and who you want to be. So you have to really sit down and define what you Is going to be a deposit for you and also one of the things that we do a few times throughout the book is track our progress. So you can take a whole day and just kind of write down all the things that you do and categorize them as either deposit or withdraw and then tally that up at the end of the day.
[00:17:00] Like how many deposits did I make? How many withdrawals did I make? What do I need to change? You really have to be intentional about getting to the root of what's stopping you from going forward. So you have to know where you're, how you're spending your time, what you're doing, how much, how much time did I spend scrolling, how much time did I spend helping the kids with homework, how much time did I spend cooking or cleaning or doing laundry, how much time did I spend watching TV, that's another activity that we do, that's another one of those deposits that we make inside the book is really Seeing where we're spending our time seeing how many deposits and withdrawals are making every day.
And there's also a companion piece to the book, which is a journal, and it kind of expands on each deposit. So, whereas in the book, the deposit might be to. Uh, maybe a paragraph or 2 sentences long in the journal. It's going to be 3 paragraphs long. It's going to really expand on it. And it's going to give you a space to write everything.
It has [00:18:00] tables for all the kind of categorization and everything that we're doing with tracking. Everything has everything that you need to really go through the process in depth. So I recommend that if anyone's going to get the book also get. The journal just because it's really going to help you to stay on track and have somewhere to kind of house all these activities and, um, exercises that we're doing in the book.
But , I think it's super, super important to make sure that you know, how you're spending your time, what you're doing and what activities are going to help you move forward or what's holding you back. Yeah. What is your favorite exercise that you talk about in your book? Oh, there's so many good ones.
I think what the one that I just said is probably, probably my favorite when you really just sit down and take a whole day or whole week to just see how you're, what you're doing and how you're spending your time because it's so, it tells you so much about, about yourself because you don't realize, actually, that's one of the things I did when I was [00:19:00] like really on my journey, I had a spreadsheet.
Like an actual Excel spreadsheet that I use to kind of, to just kind of say, okay, I spent an hour here. I spent 40 minutes here. I spent 20 minutes here. And I just really had like wrote exactly what I did all day long. And then when I look back at it, I was like, Oh, okay. So that's why, that's why I feel like I don't have time.
Cause I was on Instagram for two hours. So I would say that when you do that, do not do anything differently, like don't just spend your day exactly how you normally spend your day and see where you're spending your time because it'll give you a lot of insight into what you could be doing differently and how you could be more productive because it feels like there's not enough hours in a day.
But when you really break it down, you have a lot more hours than you think you have. You just aren't really being productive with the time you have. And it doesn't take that long to do. Change your life. It really doesn't take eight hours a day to change your life. Like you could really change your life in about two hours, three [00:20:00] hours a day.
If you're consistent and you really put that time in and you're really intentional about devoting your time to the right things. So let's talk about withdrawals, because a lot of there are a lot of those that come up and I think people will focus on that a bit. So how. Do you get around those? Like if you are somebody who just has a lot of those going on in your life.
Yeah. And, and there might be have tos, right? Like, so maybe you are the person who has to care for everybody in your family. You're getting dinner. You're maybe you're also working and you just have all this, but you can't afford. to get somebody to help you do anything. So how do you, what do you tell parents to do for that?
So first, I think it's really important to kind of put a system in place and get, get everyone on a schedule. And I'm terrible at this. So I'm a hypocrite for saying this, but I think if you are really struggling with making time for yourself, so you can make those deposits, it's going to be super important [00:21:00] to try at least try to get your kids on a schedule so you can get them in bed by a certain time and they are not.
You can just get them away from you for a little while so you can have some time to yourself. So you could do that. And I feel like a lot of parents, especially millennial parents these days are really big on bedtimes. I'm still not there yet. My kids. And for me, it's because I like to have my mornings to myself.
So I let my kids stay up late because I want them to sleep until noon so that they can start school after that. And I can focus on me in the morning. Um, but yeah, if you have to work in the morning, then it's going to be super important to get them in bed by a certain time in the evenings so that you can Bye.
First of all, just have a breather and unwind, and second, um, have that time for yourself so you can at least have an hour to unpack your day and then kind of delve into what you want to do for yourself. I agree like finding those I like to call them quiet spaces like they are in [00:22:00] there, you might have to create some but sometimes that you're there if your kids are starting to get older they can play for a little bit by themselves they're like playing with Legos you don't have to necessarily entertain the whole time.
I like mornings as well.
I'm an early bird. So my quiet time had always come like at four or five eight. Okay. In the morning, but I get a lot done. It's my most creative time. Nobody is up because I have teens, so everyone's sleeping. Um, but even when they were younger, I did it too. And that was my space. And it was really like, I tell everybody.
Do not talk to me till at, you know, 637, like, let me have my hour and a half to get the stuff done. I, I need to get done. And that's where I put most of my deposits probably in and my creativity and things like that. I'm the same way. I have to get, I'm, I just naturally, since I had my first child, I naturally wake up at like 6 AM every day.
So. They wouldn't even if they were [00:23:00] starting school at, like, nine, they still wouldn't be up that early. So, for me, that would always be my quiet time. And I would probably intentionally wake up and even an hour earlier just to make sure I had even more time to myself because I just need that. I cannot function without that time to myself in the morning.
And I don't care about having time to myself in the evenings, but like you said, there's always there's always some sort of time that you can spend on yourself. I think that most of us, especially with social media, we spend so much of it there. We devote so much of it to our phones and scrolling and you got to put that phone down, or at least use your phone to read a book or give yourself some sort of, um, actually, this is a whole another
Deposit that I really love and it was coming up with a list of or kind of like outlining some positive, social media sources or podcasts that you can listen to things like different YouTube channels that you can watch that are positive, just things that are going [00:24:00] to pour into you. So identify things like that, like maybe have a list of one podcast, one YouTube channel.
One book and one radio station or something like a morning show or something that you like to listen to that is going to be positive for you. That's going to pour into you. That's going to be a deposit for you and limit yourself to those four things for a couple of weeks, or, you know, at least devote an hour or two to those, uh, to those things.
If you're going to do social media and if you're going to do TV. Make sure you're watching the right things and giving yourself the right things to feel yourself so that you're motivated. Because , the things that we feed ourselves make such a difference in how we move. And if you're not giving yourself the right things, that's food.
That's, um, the things that you're consuming as far as social media and just any sort of content. You are not going to be your best self. So that's another, deposit that I really, really love and that I would recommend that anybody start as soon as possible. And I feel, I love those too, because you can intertwine [00:25:00] those.
Like I personally will listen to a podcast. I love learning. So not necessarily history. Okay. But like learning how to do things, learning about how to podcast or SEOs or things like that, you know, or medical things. Cause I'm in that field. But I listen to podcasts while I walk every morning. That's one of the things I do or a book, um, an audio book.
I also listen while I'm cleaning. So even though cleaning might take some deposits away, but I'm also filling my bucket at the same time. And so I, I love that. I love listening to something, whether it's podcast or a book, it does, it totally fills me. I always feel very productive after, and it's.
And it could also be done while I'm technically doing a withdrawal. No, actually cleaning would be a deposit. If you, for me, cleaning is a deposit. Anything that's going to help with my overall wellbeing and the wellbeing of my family is, is
a deposit. So cleaning, cooking. The things that are withdrawals are like eating out, [00:26:00] like, you know, the things that are actually bad for you, things that, you know, are not good for you, but you, they're just fun to do.
They just taste good. They feel good. They look good. Like those things are the withdrawals, but things that are, that contribute to your wellbeing are not, not withdrawals. So I don't want you to take it that way. Well, it's funny because it feels like a withdrawal to me. So it's so funny. Like, Oh, that's a deposit for you.
And I withdraw for me. Cause I'm like, no cleaning withdrawal, definitely cooking. Do not enjoy it. But if I don't enjoy it, it's a withdrawal, right? Like it doesn't make me feel like happy. So, and that's the thing, like, I feel like, okay, so you get to define your own deposits and your own withdrawals, but I personally feel like the things that are not fun are the most, most likely that is kind of the gauge for me as to whether, whether or not something is a deposit, because if it's not fun, it's usually deposit in my mind, because it's something like doctor's appointments.
They're not fun. But they're necessary. They're good for you. Dentist [00:27:00] appointments, cleaning, cooking. I mean, it's so much more fun and easy to go or to take out, but cooking is better for you. It's better to have a home cooked meal that, you know, is prepared with love. But yeah, the, to me, that's usually how I gauge whether or not something is a deposit or withdrawal.
Okay, so, well, this is good clarity because it's more about, is it good for your overall well being and health, correct? Versus, is it fun and I enjoy it, is that right? Yeah, and I think that, um, if it's not and that's the thing, like, it's interchangeable because sometimes going out with your friends is going out with your friends as a deposit, like, if you've been in the cooped up in the house and you need to go have a drink, that is a deposit.
It's good for your well being right now to go do that. If you do it too much. It becomes a withdrawal because it is not [00:28:00] helping you, not necessarily helping you to continue to do that on a regular basis and spend that money and drink alcohol. And you know what I mean? Like certain things just aren't moderation.
Is the best word, like, we need those moments of reprieve and we need to like, be away from the kids and have fun and do those things, but it's not necessarily helping you reach a goal things that contribute to your overall well being, but also get you closer to your goals.
Okay. So thinking of a deposit, this is good because I was confused, right? Thinking of a deposit as really having a goal and, and what would bring you closer to that? And that might be eating home because it's healthier. And maybe my goal is to decrease my cholesterol or something, right? Um, so that's how you want to think of it.
I'm just thinking of the deposits are fun things, right? Like they should be so fun. And yes, it sounds like they should [00:29:00] be fun or could be fun as well, especially if you want to bring more joy. Like, yeah, if your goal is I want to be more joy and happy and more laughter to my life. Cause honestly I can use that as well.
Then going out for that drink with your friend definitely would bring me closer to that goal. Maybe not all the time, but yes. Okay. That is, I'm so glad we clarified that. Yeah. And that's interesting because it really is going to depend on what your goal is. So it's going to be very individual for you.
Like for me going out to eat is not a deposit because I know I would, I need to be on a weight loss journey and on a fitness journey and just working on my health in general. So. Yeah. For me, that would not be a deposit, but for you, it could 100 percent be a deposit. For me, it would be one of those fun withdrawals that is kind of like the, you know, okay, I've been on, I've been doing really well.
I've been, you know, doing the things I'm supposed to do. And now it's time for a little bit of [00:30:00] fun. I can afford a withdrawal now. Now I'm going to go out with my friends and have a night of fun. So yeah, but going out with my friends to a class, like a workout class would be a deposit. And also fun. Right.
So it would be good. Yeah, it's like it's going to be very individual. You have to define it for yourself. And I have to say, I think for myself too, but for a lot of parents, figuring out your goal, I can imagine being really difficult. Like, what is the goal? And I know they don't have to be so big, but are there exercises that you recommend for someone just to even figure out their goal that they're going to work on?
Yeah, I believe the one of the first deposits in the book is just listing out five things that you would like for yourself. And it can be literally anything, any five things or three things. You can start with three things that you really want for yourself or three things you want to change. About your life [00:31:00] right now, and that'll give you a really good starting point for what you can kind of center your first goals around.
Because if you know what you don't want, you can kind of think in opposites at that point. So, if I don't like, um, wait, it's just a really easy 1. and it's 1 that most of us have experienced. So, if I don't like the current size, I am, what can I do on the opposite end of the spectrum to kind of change that?
Or if I don't like the amount of time I, uh, don't get to spend having fun with my kids. Versus always like being the strict mom and always being the disciplinarian, how can I, what's the opposite of that? Like, how can we have more fun? Can we do activities with them? Can we maybe Halloween's coming up?
Maybe we can do a DIY or something like it's just thinking, okay, this is what I had that I don't like. What can I do? That's the opposite of that that I will like instead. What would be better than what I have right now or what I'm doing right now?
Yeah. So, okay, where can the listeners find you? Where can [00:32:00] they find this incredible book that you have that has all these deposits that we could figure out? Yeah. Um, the book is available on Barnes and Noble, Amazon, and, it's, everything's on my website and you can find me, um, on my Um, and on YouTube at Danielle LaShawn and on TikTok at Danielle LaShawn underscore underscore. Awesome. And we'll have that in the show notes as well. So listeners can just jump in there.
. So, what do you want to tell moms, like just listening today what do you want them to hear? I think what I would say is, You are in control. You have the power to change your life.
It is not happening to you. Things are happening for you. So when you decide to, it's really all about that mindset shift. Like if you decide that you want something and you start moving, you're going to get there. Eventually, it might not be [00:33:00] overnight. It will not be overnight. Sorry, it will not be overnight.
It's going to take some time. It's going to take some effort, but you will get there. And if you need some help with kind of figuring all this out, then definitely get a copy of the book and you can always come to my YouTube channel and drop a comment on a video and I'm happy to answer any questions that you have.
Um, and I hope that you guys are. Can get on your journeys really, really quickly and start to make some deposits and create the life you want. Because although it's not easy, it's not as hard as you would imagine. Yeah, right. I think at the end of the day, what it all wraps up to is you have choices and let's just start moving.
Yeah, let's move. So that's really, yeah, that's really what it boils down to. It's all about choices. So just start making some different ones. And you'll be surprised how quickly those deposits begin to add up and you see some changes in your life as a result of those new decisions. Yeah, well, I'm [00:34:00] excited to now that I have, I have a whole new understanding of deposits.
Honestly, I was just, I was just going with joy here, but it's a lot more, it's deposits towards a goal. And I think that is huge. So I'm going to work towards that as well. So thank you so much for coming on today. It was so helpful. And I learned a lot. Oh, thank you for having me. I'm glad you were able to learn something and I'm, I'm learning too.
I'm still learning because I'm still a work in progress too.

Danielle LaShawn McKnight
Danielle LaShawn McKnight is a lifestyle content creator and mother of four. She is passionate about helping women achieve their goals and dreams by making daily deposits in themselves. While raising four healthy, well-adjusted children, Danielle has adapted daily methods to pursue her own dreams and live life on her terms.
In her book and on social media, Danielle shares her struggles and strategy for creating an actionable life plan. Danielle’s YouTube channel has over 50 thousand subscribers who follow her lifestyle and home vlogs, budget-friendly grocery hauls, and health & wellness journey. On her channel, she gives insights into her family’s life and the small deposits she makes in herself daily.
A devoted mother and wife, she is a homemaker, interior designer, chauffeur, and homeschooler. Born in Washington, DC, and raised in Maryland, she now lives in Virginia with her family.