New Coloring Book! Coloring Conversations: Talking About the ABCs of Life! This coloring book is a gateway to impactful conversations with your child, while having fun. Now Available In Our Store

Catherine O'Brien

Catherine O'Brien Profile Photo

Catherine O’Brien is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and the founder of She knows what it’s like to be overwhelmed, out of energy, and out of ideas as a new parent. She created Happy With Baby in order for new and expecting parents to discover the advice she wishes she could have had when managing expectations of parenthood
and relationships. After giving birth to her first child, Catherine realized that adding a baby into a relationship dynamic changes everything. She discovered her passion for helping new parents to communicate and thrive through this transition, equipping them to be effective caregivers and
with a happy marriage. Catherine acts as a California state co-coordinator for Postpartum Support International and also helped to establish A Mother’s Heart in Sacramento, where mothers with perinatal and anxiety disorders go to receive support. Additionally, she participates in the Sacramento Maternal Mental Health Collaborative.
Catherine is married to her husband, Rick, who shares his advice on parenting and creating healthy relationships in Happy With Baby. Together, they have a son and a daughter who both play soccer, where Catherine gets to assume the role of coach. Apart from working as a family
therapist, speaker, and educator, Catherine enjoys paddle boarding and rowing. She and her family live in Sacramento, California. Follow her on Facebook at Happy With Baby, on Instagram @happywithbaby, and on her website,

Aug. 2, 2022

Just Breathe; What Happens When We Are Stressed.

In this weekś episode, we discuss techniques to reduce stress. We are honored to be joined by Catherine O’Brien, mother, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, and the founder of She knows what it’s like...

Listen to the Episode