Empowering Moms Through Network Marketing with Dr. Jennifer Shell
In this episode of Real Life Momz, join host Lisa Foster as she sits down with chiropractor and fellow mom, Dr. Jennifer Shell, to explore the exciting world of network marketing. Jennifer shares her inspiring journey from full-time chiropractor to savvy side hustler, revealing how network marketing has transformed her work-life balance and allowed her to prioritize family. Discover the incredible benefits of this entrepreneurial path, from minimal startup costs to the freedom of working from home. Jennifer dives into the importance of choosing products that resonate with your values and the power of building a supportive network. Whether you're a busy mom looking to dip your toes into entrepreneurship or seeking ways to enhance your side hustle, this episode is packed with practical advice and heartfelt insights.
Tune in for an empowering conversation that encourages moms everywhere to take charge of their dreams while managing family responsibilities!
About Dr. Jennifer Shell:
Website: https://empwr.one/res/55326/310246
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/food.to.the.rescue/profilecard/?igsh=cWEzeTV5cGh6eHhr
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/share/bfucohFhSTjQzw7a/?mibextid=JRoKGi
Grab her book: Food To The Rescue As an Amazon affiliate, at no extra cost to you, we will earn a small commission from qualifying purchases.)
About The Host: Lisa Foster, PT, CST
Website: https://www.reallifemomz.com/
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Thoughtful gifts for the holidays:
Mastering Belly Time: A Parent's Guide For Belly Time Success
Regain Your Inner Calm Workbook
Podcasting On A Budget: A Beginner's Guide to Kickstart Your Podcast Using Free Tools
Welcome to the Real Life Momz podcast. It is time to take a break from all our to do's and carve out this time to focus on ourselves. I'm Lisa Foster, your host, and today I'm here with a fellow mom and chiropractor, Dr. Jennifer Shell.
And she's here to help us side hustle our way into retirement. Hi, Jennifer. Welcome to the show. Hey, Lisa. Thank you so much for having me. I'm really excited. You have like so much fun energy and I think we have a lot in common. So this is going to be so much fun.
You are a successful chiropractor. You have a practice. However, you decided to open up a second business, a second income. So really what inspired you to even want to do that?
So at the beginning of the pandemic, I think I've been practicing like probably 18 years, 19 years.
And I mean, I love my job, but my [00:01:00] job is physical and it's hard work. And for 15 of those years, I worked every single Saturday and I missed so much. Much of my kids like growing up and you know, then we put in lockdown and I'm like, this is kind of awesome. I mean, I understand it was devastating, but in my little bubble, I was like, this is great.
Like I'm with my kids, my husband and we're like, it was calm. So, so right then I realized. Like, I had to pivot. So, I still practiced just a few days a week. I love it. I love my patients. So, what I started doing was network marketing. Like I told, told my, my dad. My dad was like, Oh, no, don't do that.
It's been a ton of [00:02:00] money and you're gonna lose money. And I was like, Dad, listen, first of all, let me just give this a go. I'm not investing any money. so for me, it's essential oils, supplements. So like, I think it was like 200 bucks. Each month I do a hundred dollars, which is all the stuff I use anyways.
And then I break that off as a business expense. So, anywho, I started doing it and I'm like, oh my gosh, I love this because I'm teaching women, I'm empowering families, like with natural resources, natural stuff. So then I started calling some of my girlfriends, like, oh my gosh, you have to check this out, this is awesome.
So my paycheck just started growing, growing, growing. I remember six months in, my dad was like, Are you, are you [00:03:00] losing money? Are you spending them for, and I was like, actually, no, like I just made this awesome page and so anyways, that's how I got started and. I love it. I feel like it's the perfect business setup because I can work from home.
Okay. I don't know if I know enough about network marketing, but I'm curious. Okay. So, yeah. So tell us what is this amazing miracle? No money down network. So what it is, is it's companies, but instead of selling in stores, you have reps. So like I'm basically like a rep.
So it's like my own little business, but I don't have to keep stock. I don't need a brick and mortar. I don't need anything. They handle the shipping. You know? [00:04:00] I've got like a back office where I can see all my numbers, all my stats. Salton for you.
Now, how do you find the products that would maybe align with you? Because right, we don't just market anything we don't believe in, right? So what do you find that align with you? And how do you actually get the position to market those? Yeah, that's a great question. So, as a chiropractor, over, you know, 20 years, many, many people have come to me and said, Hey, you should, you should sell whatever this product's at your clinic.
Hey, you should prep this energy drink. You should do this. But it never sat with me, right? Like you're saying, it has to be something you believe in. Like, for me, it's natural health, right? But that may [00:05:00] not be for someone else. Maybe it's eyelashes or makeup
There's Tons. So you do need to find a product that resonates with you. But then also, Lisa, the big, big deal is the comp plan. So the comp plan is the compensation. So it can get really tricky. It's not like working for someone else where you go to work, clock your hours, and then they send you a paycheck.
It doesn't work like that. So for me, like I get paid a percent for each thing I sell, but then for all the people on my team, I'm compensated to help people who want to have a business. Two, so it's [00:06:00] really cool because like, if you work like a nine to five, you might have a boss and hopefully your boss helps you, right?
But it is, it's like a whole pod, a whole team of, in my case, women. We're all supporting each other and I'm teaching them and I'm helping them and we're doing weekly calls like, how can I help? And when people start, I might be talking to them every single day.
It sounds like, Finding a product. Cause I, I get that too in my office too. Like, Oh, you should sell pillows or you should sell the end. I'm like, Oh, you know, like in my office, I'm here, I'll treat you. And, you know, there you go. But, but it's true, right? Because I think that traditional time for money model, people are trying to move away from, right.
Because it really caps you. Yes. So if you can spend this amount of time, then you're only ever going to make [00:07:00] this amount of money. Right. It's true. For us, like, that's kind of what we were taught, like, you work your job, you work your job till you're 65, and then you retire, where I see this younger generation of moms who are like, I don't want that.
Right? Like I want to be home with my kids. Be present. And I just want to add on because I know we both have teenagers, right?
Like mine just started college. You're probably going in the door to that. Yes. And it's interesting because I am really struggling in my own self, um, giving her advice because I feel like maybe I'm a sandwiched a little bit. Like I got my mom. Right. Who's like, well, what is she going to study and you know, traditional jobs and that, that is the mindset that they used to get, they get pensions, they get, you know, 401ks, they have social security over there.
And our generation is kind of in the between. We're still flopping around. Maybe [00:08:00] we'll get a few of those things. Maybe we won't, depends how old we are. But our kids can be even more in a different land and it's like, it's such a hard mentality of even how to like navigate that because it's so unknown of what's even going to be out there.
I know. So I feel the same to my husband's adamant that my son go to college and I'm like, I I do get that. But at the same time, like, I tell him, I'm like, dude, you need to look at network marketing. Like, you need to check this out. And he wants to be a photographer and then he, he might want to teach high school history.
That's so cool. I'm like, but you need a side hustle. Have a hustle that could maybe turn into your full time gig with flexibility like we never thought was possible, like for you and I, like our [00:09:00] age. Now, okay, so people who are like, their ears are perking about network marketing. What, how do they get involved in it?
How, what do they have to do to take those first steps to maybe even just look to see if there is a product or something that would align with them? , you can just Google top network marketing companies because it's really diverse. Like I know friends who, who do weight loss stuff I have, there's even
some kind of travel thing. I know a lady that does that. So really just kind of searching maybe the internet for actually just network marketing and see what pops up to see what interests you.
And then, and then after that, Actually, do you apply? Is it kind of like an affiliate link or affiliate marketing? So an affiliate link would be like, you get a small. Percentage, which is great. And on my team, I [00:10:00] have a couple of girls who are just affiliates, but what I'm doing is called a wellness advocate. So, I'm actually an organization, so like, you put people who also wants to do this as a business under you, in legs, so then you just have volume in those legs.
To me, that's like, like a regular business. Okay. So I'm kind of getting it now. So you are listening that are just a little slower, like myself.
So it almost is like you decide to be a part of a certain company, whatever that is health and wellness. sports bottles, I don't know. And yeah, then you are kind of marketing their stuff. But under you, there's going to be more people that are [00:11:00] marketing that kind of, I guess, their, uh, shares of what they're doing also contributes to how much you earn as well.
Is that correct? Yes, so you're correct, so I don't, right, like I'm not making the product. The product is already made. So for me, it's supplements and essential oils, which, , there's a million brands out there, but like, you have to have pure. So, for me, the, the, um, pamphlet that's called Dodera. I was just going to say that one, because I know so many people who do that one.
Yes, yes, yes. So, it's my favorite, because see, here's the thing, like, I'm a science geek. And so for years and years and years, I just thought all essential oils were the same. So I would tell my patients, yeah, it doesn't matter. They're fine. They're all the same. Then I [00:12:00] started actually researching and I'm like, Oh my gosh, 85 percent of like oils on the market are contaminated.
So this is like neurotoxin potential cancer causing, like, And I thought, Oh my goodness, I gotta find a company that actually shows me. Testing, because tons of companies say, Oh yeah, we're organic. Oh, yes, we are pure. Um, show me, right? So, doTERRA has this standard of testing, and it's I mean, not to get too nerdy, but it's like 54 different tests, eight type of tests, plus third party verification.
And then there's a website, you guys can all go to this, it's called Source. Like S O [00:13:00] U R C T O Y O U dot com. So when you go there, you can literally enter your batch number that's like, that's on every bottle. You can see there's like a little number. So anyways, you enter it there and it will pop up the test results for the batch.
Wow. That's amazing. Oh! Wow. So when I found that. I mean, as you can tell, I get a little like excited about things. So I was like, Oh my gosh, this is amazing. So I, okay, let me just tell you guys as if you can't tell, but I have a vocal cord problem and for years and years and years, like I wouldn't teach. I wouldn't even call my patients, Lisa.
I was like, Oh no, I can't, I would text them or whatever, have my assistants call. So anyways. I [00:14:00] get this information. I'm like, Oh my gosh, this is so cool. I started teaching classes, educating people about oils and like how to use them and how to tell if they're pure and why they work. So anyways, I realized, Oh my gosh, like when I come from a place of service.
I have no attention on my voice. Like, who cares? I've got something super important to teach you. So whenever anybody comes on my team and they're like, Oh, you know, I'm too shy. I'm, I'm too old. I'm too young. I'm I'm too happy. I'm too scared. Whatever. I'm like, dude, listen, if I can do this, anybody can do this.
I love that. That's so inspiring. Yeah. Oh, thanks. [00:15:00] Yeah. So inspiring. And it probably will move somebody to say, Yeah, if I could do it, you could do it.
, okay. So possibly network marketing, possibly, Maybe it wants to start small with an affiliate or something like that. You know, whatever it is, right? We're talking about it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. How do you actually market? Because people like, you know, it's like, Oh, I've got these great oils people and I want to sell them to you.
And no one is answering or no one is responding. You're just like out there in the abyss. So how do you market whatever product they want to sell? Maybe they made their own product. Anything. Yeah. Exactly. Okay, so the biggest thing is the whole part of network marketing is networking. So, like, just some constantly like meeting people.
I'm not going up to people in the grocery store like, I've got these amazing oils, would you like [00:16:00] to, you know, But when you're talking to people and you're making friends, like, so let's say you're a stay at home mom. You've got little kids, . Okay, you need to start going to play dates.
You gotta start having groups. You gotta take your kids to swim lessons. All things that you would want to do. Anyways, but just genuinely make friends and when you're making friends with people, they're going to tell you, Hey, my kids got horrible allergies it comes up and then just organically, you know, I have some stuff you might not try.
Maybe it'll work for you. Yeah, which comes from a place that doesn't seem sleazy, right? Like that's, I think, you know, people have a hard time selling things because it's like buy this, do this, whatever, but it doesn't [00:17:00] feel good. But when you're actually trying to help somebody else, like if there's allergies, oh my, you know, I have this product, maybe you should just, why don't you give it a try?
It could be helpful. It's coming from such a genuine, like, nice, kind. That aligns with me, I'm sure, with a lot of people, and that's such a wonderful way to sell., you're exactly correct. Like, you have to always come from a place of service. Otherwise, you're spammy and gross and nobody wants what you're selling.
Yeah, that's so true, right? It just kind of naturally flows. , so marketing, just actually more that getting out there, possibly, and actually, networking is huge. We forget like, Networking, like it has work in it, right? So people are a little bit, uh, and I have to put out there, which is hard when you find the right circles [00:18:00] of people.
And that's what I'm noticing. Like, I tend to gravitate probably like you towards moms and business or wellness, groups or things that I just connect naturally with. And then what I find is it's such a great networking. I mean, I want to refer people to them. They want to refer to me where, you know, collaborating because it's so natural because I've aligned myself up with the right group.
So I think. Yes. That is something to think about with networking, because it's less work when it feels right. Totally.
So you got to find your people, you got to find your, your niche, you have to find something you're passionate about. And then the biggest thing too, Lisa, for like, moms is you have to time block so like if you have little kids you don't get a lot of free time but hopefully maybe [00:19:00] you could 20 30 minutes while they're napping or maybe they go to bed.
And, you take a half hour, hour, and you're just working on your business like you do have to dedicate the time. Otherwise, you're going to wonder, well, why isn't this working? Well, because you're not working. Right, right. You have to like, people aren't going to know what you're doing unless like they can see what you're doing.
Right. Yeah. So you have to get yourself out there. You have to tell them. And that time blocking is great. So has there been things that really worked for you now that you're, you're kind of successful with your networking business, it sounds like it sounds like it's probably more income than you're.
Chiropractic, you kind of stepped away from that a little bit. Um, are there ways that you were able to really get your marketing out there that you can [00:20:00] share with us that can give us some ideas of do that? Yeah, for sure. So my income has been about 5, 000 a month. So that's not replacing my chiropractic. So I still do some of that, but it's awesome. Like, and, and listen, my whole thing is if I can help a mom bring in 500 bucks in a month, in the first month, two months, like that's life changing.
That's groceries. Maybe that's vacation money, whatever. Maybe that keeps the lights on. So. When you're first starting, like my goal is to get you to that first rank of elite as quick as we can get you there so that you're seeing income coming in. So when I started, [00:21:00] I made a list, but I set up classes. Now, not everybody likes to teach.
I love teaching, but maybe you just have some girlfriend. And it's weird, like, oh my gosh, her kid's on the spectrum. I know he's really hyper. Maybe I could help her, right? , so then you could say, like, hey, I know you're struggling with Matthew, and I'm I'm doing this new thing. I love it. I would love to have you just try some samples and see if it just helps him relax at bedtime or maybe it helps with focus for school work.
So that was my big thing. Like I make little samples. I would pay my kids to make samples for me. So I started off. Tons of little samples because I wanted to help people. So literally every day felt like [00:22:00] Christmas when I could be like, oh my gosh, I'm going to try over and drop off these little samples or let me mail you some samples and I'd feel like, yay.
Like, this is so fun. Um, and then you help them, like, help them get started. Maybe they buy a couple of oils, or maybe they buy, like, a kit. What they teach is you don't have to know everything.
You just have to be able to use the reference book to support people. Because you're just helping your friends. You're not claiming to be a medical doctor. We're not curing anything. We're not treating disease. We are literally just helping support someone. Yeah, I love that. It just feels very fitting, especially I could see it how easy it could flow like even into my own practice, right?
Like I treat the spectrum. It'd be so nice to be able to also be able to give them something that would [00:23:00] be beneficial for their sleep, you know, cause everyone leaves a cranial sacral session. They're like, what can I do? And I'm always giving them activities and exercises and things.
And sometimes they do them and sometimes they don't listen. But to have an oil or something that actually is. You know, people do that. People will put that on or smell that it's a little easier than actually doing something sometimes. I mean, how, what a wonderful compliment to a lot of, I can see massage therapists, lots of people, um, just for this particular, this is only one.
Right? Like I can see how exciting it could be to even add to what you're already doing. For the most part, right? No, you're exactly right. Like, so for me in natural health care, it was very simple for me to, you know, I'm working with people and it's like, it's like going to your hairdresser. I know the kids, I [00:24:00] know the dog, I know uncle Jimmy moved to West, like I know everything.
So when we're talking and working on people and they're like, Oh, You know, my daughter's struggling in school, they're saying she has ADHD, whatever. I'll be like, Oh, you know what? Just try this little sample. I'll text you in a couple of days, just to see how it's working. And then they're like, That was amazing.
And then I'm like, please come on a class, learn about them. So my big thing is like educating
That, like fuels me like, yes, we're going to have a little party, but classes when I'm educating, yeah, I'll do them in person. I've done them in people's homes, like coffee shops. And then Zoom. It also kind of reminds me of, when I was [00:25:00] younger, we used to do candle parties. And we used to throw candles. And I had a friend who would do it, and then you would sponsor a party.
Like I would say, Come to my house, you can have a party. And then they have this candle, and they sell or don't sell, whatever it is. But either way, it's still fun. And then the host would give you a discount or a candle or whatever it was. Yes. Um, and it was, it was, it was such a good time with friends. Um, so it's kind of like that
it's totally like that.
It's all built for you. You don't recreate the wheel. They give you all the tools, all the resources for free. And then you just do what you love. Okay, they give you all the tools and resources for free. What kind of money down do you have to put? Um, yeah, none. So I think it's different for like everything.
But like for dodecahera, I started with like a kit of oils that I wanted [00:26:00] anyways, because it was all stuff I would use. And that was 250 bucks. And then each month I do 100 and then 100 products that I take samples, it's my facial hair stuff, it's my cleaning supplies, um, all the things. But with that, That's how I make commissions, like you, you have to upgrade to a wellness advocate.
You get a free website. Um, and so anyways, then I write that off on my taxes because it's a required business expense.
But you just need to purchase something. So, cause that actually helps you sell it because you're giving out the samples and you're giving out. things that then people can try. And then when they get [00:27:00] this, then you're getting a percentage, which then kind of repays you for what you bought anyway.
Yes. And hopefully more. Hopefully more. Right. Yeah.
So yeah, I love that. I love that. That's so great. What do you want moms to start doing today that are listening to this episode? Yeah. So the biggest thing that I regret not doing that I want all moms to doing is checking in With themselves, like we just get into this hustle and bustle and go, go, go and kids, kids, kids, and everything comes first and we never stop to think about what your dreams, what are your goals, what do you want your life to look like?
Because you can change. All of that and make it this beautiful thing, but first [00:28:00] you have to realize where you're not happy, or you're not fulfilled, or maybe you're burnt out. That's what I want everyone to do, just pause, maybe even just five minutes before you go to bed and just journal. Just even journal out your day and start thinking about like, what do I want my life to look like?
And maybe it's perfect as it is, but we can all always have room to grow and always check in ourselves. Yeah. I mean, beautifully said. I can't even add to it. It's that's exactly it. You know, pause and check in is the key
right. Give yourself time and space to do that. So that's beautiful. Love that. Agreed. So where can the listeners find you and tell us all that you have to offer because you do chiropractic, you're selling doTERRA, like everybody wants some oils at this point. Okay, so I'm just starting to try to be [00:29:00] consistent and good on Instagram.
So you can find me at food to the rescue. And there's a period between each word. So food to the rescue. And I'm also at food to the rescue. On Facebook. Um, and that's kind of following me on social media, but you can definitely like send me a message DM me. And then I think, think Lisa, I gave you a link, and it's like, um, you can just opt in opting in is literally just the best way to do it.
Me. So you don't have to wear it now. He's spamming or doing anything. So when you opt in, you could watch like a little video about is a recording of how the dodecaher business. But if you have questions just about oils or you want to education or you maybe you have, I'll send [00:30:00] you samples like just message me and I will mail you samples with your health concerns.
Awesome. That's so generous. Well, thank you so much for coming on the show. This has been so eye opening. I honestly, I had no idea what we were about to talk about. So this is, this is great. This went in so many directions and it kind of got me excited. So I'm definitely going to check out that video. Yeah.
Let's talk, but seriously, Lisa, like this was so fun and just getting the opportunity to be on specifically your podcast, because it's all about moms. Like moms need the love and they need the support. We need community, like I just love that. So thank you for doing what you do. Thank you so much.
Thank you for joining us for this episode. This episode was so much fun and I totally learned so much [00:31:00] about network marketing. If you're looking to connect with Jennifer, just click on the link in the show notes and you can have access to all her resources.
And until next week, keep carving out time for yourself, just like Jennifer reminded us. In all the hustle and bustle of parenting, it is so important to pause and check in with yourself and see what it is that you are really wanting and desiring in your life. And don't forget to join us on Tuesday, where we'll have another incredible guest with another incredible mom.

Dr. Jennifer Shell
Mom, wife, chiropractor, certified essential oil specialist
Dr. Jennifer Shell is a chiropractor with over 23 years of experience, specializing in clinical nutrition. Dr. Shell extends her expertise beyond her practice, empowering women to create additional income streams through home-based businesses with minimal startup costs. Her guidance has enabled many to achieve financial independence, enhancing their lives and supporting their families. Her approach combines health and financial well-being, positively impacting countless families for future generations. Dr. Shell’s dedication has made her a trusted advocate for women seeking freedom—both in health and in financial stability.