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April 8, 2024

Reclaiming Our Financial Power: Let's Discuss Money and Embracing Our Worth

Reclaiming Our Financial Power: Let's Discuss Money and Embracing Our Worth

Our relationship with money can be complex as women. We may feel inadequate in managing our finances or unworthy of financial abundance. But the truth is, we can take control of our money and feel deserving of wealth.

How Can I Afford It?

It's important to remember that money is a means, not an end. We work hard for our money, and we have the right to use it in a way that aligns with our values and priorities. Recently, I had a conversation with Wealth Educator Joanna Doiban, who suggests using empowering phrases like "I choose to spend my money on..." instead of "I can't afford it" or "How can I afford it?" This simple shift in language can make a significant impact on our financial mindset.

Furthermore, we must recognize that we are worthy of financial abundance. We deserve to have enough money to live the life we desire and feel confident in our spending choices. When we believe in our worthiness, we are more likely to make wise financial decisions and feel content with our economic situation.

My Savings Fund.

Saving money is one way to manifest our worthiness and financial power. Starting a savings fund can be daunting, especially with a tight budget. However, on this week's Real Life Momz podcast, Joanna shares a simple and secure method to help you get started.

First, take an envelope and label it "My Savings Fund." Then, make it a habit to contribute some money to it each week, no matter how small. You can put the envelope in a safe place, like your purse or a drawer, and watch your savings grow.

The exciting part is that you can envision how to use the money as you add it to your savings envelope. Will you treat yourself to a new pair of earrings or a tennis racket? Perhaps you'll surprise your husband with a Rolex for his birthday. The possibilities are endless!

Remember, saving money is a way to demonstrate our worthiness of having financial security. By starting small and remaining consistent, we can transform our savings into something remarkable.

So, grab that envelope and start filling it with cash. You've got this! Remember to treat your savings with respect and keep them in a safe place. Happy saving!


Real Life Momz