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Feb. 19, 2024

Discovering the True You: A Journey Beyond Labels

Discovering the True You: A Journey Beyond Labels

Who are you?" It is such a simple question. Yet, how many of us cannot answer this without defaulting to our job descriptions or roles? It's easy to identify ourselves by what we do. For instance, I might say, "I am a physical therapist and a business owner, a parent to teenagers, and so on." But are these labels truly defining who we are? What happens when those roles evolve or change?

To really understand ourselves, we need to delve deeper. I am a lifelong learner driven by curiosity and the pursuit of new experiences. You'll often find me engrossed in a new book, listening to a podcast, or engaging in conversations to expand my knowledge. Quiet mornings and walks fuel my creativity, while a black coffee kickstarts my day. Quality time with loved ones, whether in person or virtually, brings me joy. I thrive on trying new things, sharing my experiences, and bringing others along for the ride.

So, who are you beyond your titles and roles? Take a moment to think about it. Are you attracting the right kind of people into your life? They say you are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with, so who are you surrounding yourself with? If we're not showing up as our authentic selves, how can we expect to attract the people who inspire us to achieve our desires?

As we navigate life, let's remember to look beyond the surface and embrace the essence of who we are. In this authenticity, we find our truest connections and experiences, allowing us to grow to our fullest potential.

Listen to the full episode Who Are You? Going Beyond The Surface on the Real Life Momz podcast to learn more.

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Real Life Momz podcast